Taxi tour English guide


Welcome to Jeju. Have a nice trip together.

Regular taxi
220,000 Won
09:00 ~ 17:00 (8 hours)
Number of users
1 to 4 people
Large taxi / Van
290,000 Won 
09:00 ~ 17:00 (8 hours)
Number of users4 to 9 people

-  Driver fee, vehicle fee, fuel fee, parking fee

Not Included

- Driver’s lunch price (10,000 Won)

* KRW 20,000 Won per 1 hour for additional time

Tour guide

- For the ticket to tourist attractions, you cannot use an internet mobile coupon (ex. Jeju Pass).

- If you give the admission fee to the driver, we’ll give you a discount.(based on cash payment).

- For the sightseeing course, please separate the eastern and southwestern regions for one day

   (a long-distance fee will occur for a one-day tour from the east to the west).

- If your accommodation is located in downtown Jeju, there will be no long-distance charges.

- In the case of out-of-town accommodations, long-distance charges will be incurred for sightseeing on the other side of JeJu.

How to make a reservation for Centum Jeju

Step1. Confirm reservation (if you want to consult by phone, you can call the guide contact number)

Step2. Tour Guide Assignment

Step3. Call to guide

Step4. Meet guide in JeJu airport

고객센터  CS Center



대표전화 상담시간 : 09:00 ~ 20:00
24시문의 : 010-6614-7118
입금계좌 Account Number


(맞춤계좌 010.6614.7118.99) 

예금주 : 골든여행사 한재철

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